Blogger Recognition Award!!


Yay!! Am super happy of being nominated for this award. I would thank Little Calico’s Journal for nominating me and making me feel wonderful being part of this blogosphere. This award has motivated me, energised me and will keep me more committed to myself to write more.

Here are the rules for nomination:

  1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to
  2. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you
  3. Write a post to show your award
  4. Give a brief story of how your blog started
  5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
  6. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  7. Attach the award to the post (right click and save, then upload)
  8. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them
  9. Provide a link to the award post you created

My journey to start a blog was just an attempt done to overcome my fear “I cannot write“. But the appreciation and love which I received from my friends out here made me believe that anyone can write. I have learnt one thing that if you ever feel of doing something, attempt it first before failing, don’t sit back and think that you will never succeed doing it :).

I undertook a Blogging 101 course where I wrote a post on “Who am I and Why am here“. This course has helped me know about the blogging world and how I can enjoy being part of it.

I would like to tell people who are new to blogging:

  • Be yourself while writing post.
  • Explore and connect with people of your interest/passions.
  • Share and appreciate efforts of other bloggers.
  • Participate in Daily post prompt (an initiative of WP) which keeps your mind tingling and ideas flowing.
  • Opt for Blogging U. course as I feel its a must do for every blogger who is new to this blogging world.

Would love to pass this award to these 15 bloggers:

  1. But I Smile Anyway
  2. Because I am
  3. Astonishing India
  4. Balanced Traveller
  5. Hobby In a Box
  6. Shafali’s Caricatures, Portraits, And Cartoons
  7. A Funny Thing Happened When I Was Learning Myself
  8. The Home Maker
  9. The Pinterested Parent
  10. Anulekhaghosh
  11. Enjoyingyourkids
  12. The Power Of Quantum Thinking
  13. Enjoyingyourkids
  14. Amitabha Gupta
  15. This Perfect Mess

Am thoroughly loving being part of this virtual world,learning and sharing my experiences and thoughts with people out here. Apart from bloggers mentioned above, I would thank other fellow bloggers of mine too for keeping me inspired,motivated and going.

11 Replies to “Blogger Recognition Award!!”

  1. Congratulations ! And thank you for the nomination!
    I have received this award before, but I will definitely reblog your post as a token of appreciation!


  2. Reblogged this on But I Smile Anyway… and commented:
    Dear Niharika has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition award, and as I am tight on time now, I cant fully accept the award, but the least I can do is say “Thank you!” and give all my Blogily the connection to her blog, so you may enjoy her posts too!
    Thank you!!!!


  3. “I have learnt one thing that if you ever feel of doing something, attempt it first before failing, don’t sit back and think that you will never succeed doing it”
    True advice~ by taking the first step and keep going, our life won’t have regrets.
    Thank you for being inspiring and congratulations once again! 😉


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